Gospel and Blending Trip to Portugal (Europe)

Dates: October 8-13, 2024

Localities: Lisbon (optionally two other cities: Porto and Coimbra)


You can sign up for the gospel and blending trip in Portugal. This registration is open to the brothers attending the fall ITERO in Warsaw and their spouses. 

The number of participants is limited: 20 saints.

Registration is closed


To participate in the gospel and blending trip, please fill the registration form. The brothers from Portugal will contact you related to all the details of the trip. We are putting together a package and will provide details soon. The costs of accommodation, transportation to/from Portugal and some meals are borne separately by the participants. However we ask that you please do not make any arrangements on your own until you hear from us.


Bíblias para a Europa

Church in Lisbon/ Igreja em Lisboa